
After a cloudy few months, we’re spending March Break at a place of happiness. We booked this family getaway last October, before I knew one of my closest friends would lose her brave battle with cancer in November. Never would I have guessed Ma would pass away a few weeks later. For better or worse,Continue reading “Surga”

Personal Affection Day

On Friday, T asked to stay home instead of going to daycare for PA Day. “I just need a break,” he said. On Professional Activity (PA) Days, kids get a day off school and teachers focus on professional learning. My first instinct to T’s request was no. The hubby and I had work, remotely atContinue reading “Personal Affection Day”

In the Dog House

In my next life, I want to be a therapy dog. I took part of Friday off to take T to a PA Day paw therapy program hosted by the amazing Surrey Place team as part of their ongoing services for children with FASD and caregivers. T and I loved the horse therapy program theyContinue reading “In the Dog House”

Big Brother

This is the start of a beautiful friendship. Last fall, T’s child and youth worker made the excellent suggestion to look into a Big Brother-style mentorship program for T. I believe in mentorship and surrounding T with positive influences is important, because making friends is hard for kids with FASD. Despite best efforts, we haveContinue reading “Big Brother”

Smells Like Teen Spirit

A creature is growing in our home that is more horrifying than the supernatural or undead. Saturday morning, I was enjoying coffee in the dining room when I heard the hubby say with alarm, “Oh my God, T, you’re turning.” It was a full moon on Halloween weekend. Did we have a werewolf in ourContinue reading “Smells Like Teen Spirit”

To Teachers with Love

The influence of a great teacher is longlasting. Thanks to Mrs Smith in Grade 3, who introduced us to daily journal writing, I developed an early start to expressing myself through words. Tough but fair and kind teachers, like Mrs Ezer in high school, were whom I learned the most from. I keep it touchContinue reading “To Teachers with Love”

Horsing Around

The best things in life are not free. Thanksgiving a year ago vs today, the dinner table is cozier and I am reminded how life flies by. Friday was a PA Day and I took T to a fun and free activity organized by Surrey Place, the amazing organization that has supported our family sinceContinue reading “Horsing Around”

Uplift through Testimony

There is power and purpose in sharing stories. One voice can join a chorus to make a difference. This week, I joined a director from the Surrey Place to make a deputation to our school board, the largest school board in Canada and one of the largest in North America. Our goal was to raiseContinue reading “Uplift through Testimony”

Forever Young

Dinosaurs go extinct when they lose touch with their inner child. Raising T, a child with endless energy and a disability called FASD, can feel like I’m aging in double time – but it keeps me young. Even when I’m exhausted by T, I am amused by his imagination, as he turns our home intoContinue reading “Forever Young”

The Magical Yet

I didn’t get my driver’s license until my 30s and after failing the final road test twice. When I finally got it, it was a good reminder that some things that may seem out of reach at first may not always stay that way. As a parent of a child with FASD, I often thinkContinue reading “The Magical Yet”

Fighting Spirit

Body, mind, spirit. They are all connected and nourishing them means a stronger you. Self care is as essential as oxygen to daily life as a parent of a child with FASD. Last fall and the first few weeks of the new year drained my batteries and emptied my reserves. I did not have theContinue reading “Fighting Spirit”


The best way to apologize is through changed behaviour. I reflected on this nugget of wisdom after last week’s session of SNAP. The hubby, T and I are halfway through the SNAP program and it’s been great so far. We’re learning behaviour intervention and co-regulation strategies and while it’s never perfect, we’re applying them withContinue reading “Sorry”

The Spaces in Between

When we randomly came upon a photo of my late sister last weekend, T started to cry. It caught me by surprise, because while he’s expressed sadness about her death, this was the first time he’s cried. It was a reminder that grief is a process and that while so much has happened in theContinue reading “The Spaces in Between”

Still Young and Not As Restless

I celebrated another lap around the sun the same week an iconic soap opera celebrated its 50th. More so than ever, I’m most thankful for my family, friends, health, and the opportunities to do things and be with those I love. While I am lowkey about my birthday, I appreciate when people remember to sendContinue reading “Still Young and Not As Restless”

Anahera: the Hidden Angels

While waiting for our flight home, an older man with a cross necklace sat in front of us. The airport was packed and very noisy and T was overstimulated and stimming (digging hands) and eating his Pringle chips messily. We told T to stop eating and save the rest for the flight and was metContinue reading “Anahera: the Hidden Angels”

Swimming with Dolphins

One chatty mammal met another chatty mammal during a delightful afternoon in the water. The excursion van picked us up late afternoon and took us for a short drive through downtown Cancun and dropped us off at the marina. We put on lifejackets and were escorted down the dock to where the dolphins were. TContinue reading “Swimming with Dolphins”

Above the Clouds

We’re spending March Break with T in Cancun and the wait has been so worth it. The past few months have been very challenging and knowing this family trip to Mexico was in the distance gave us the motivation to hang on. The hubby and I are part of a support group for caregivers ofContinue reading “Above the Clouds”

A Series of Suddenlies

Life flashes by in a series of suddenlies. Suddenly, the hubby and I are university students randomly meeting on a dance floor then start to date on March 8, 2003. Suddenly, we’re moving in together then getting married. Suddenly, we have a little boy then navigating the horrors of a pandemic. It’s impossible to captureContinue reading “A Series of Suddenlies”

Together We Are More

I recently thought about a bedtime story called “The Bundle of Sticks” that Pa used to tell me. As this Aesop’s Fable goes, an old man gathers his 20 dysfunctional sons as he nears his death. He gives them each a stick and asks them to break it – and they each do so withContinue reading “Together We Are More”

The Skin We’re In

Being thick skinned takes work, whether it comes to parenting or Air Frying pork belly. When I cook, one of my self care routines, I find parallels with parenting a child with FASD. My cousin gifted us an Air Fryer for Christmas and it’s been amazing to make recipes on my bucket list, most recentlyContinue reading “The Skin We’re In”