Horsing Around

The best things in life are not free. Thanksgiving a year ago vs today, the dinner table is cozier and I am reminded how life flies by. Friday was a PA Day and I took T to a fun and free activity organized by Surrey Place, the amazing organization that has supported our family sinceContinue reading “Horsing Around”

The Traveller

What’s the meaning of a name and does it express one’s desire in life? For social studies this week, T completed an assignment that asked to research his name. It turns out one of the meanings is “traveller.” To see the world was one thing the hubby and I prioritized during life before T. TravelingContinue reading “The Traveller”

“Oh my God, is that a coconut?!”

My six year old and I started a new bonding ritual: Friday night grocery runs. After a long week, all I wanted was my weekly 90 minutes of freedom: going to the supermarket. “Oh, can I come?” T asked chirpily. “Oh, fuck no,” I said to myself in my head. But I simply said, “No.”Continue reading ““Oh my God, is that a coconut?!””