A Series of Suddenlies

Life flashes by in a series of suddenlies. Suddenly, the hubby and I are university students randomly meeting on a dance floor then start to date on March 8, 2003. Suddenly, we’re moving in together then getting married. Suddenly, we have a little boy then navigating the horrors of a pandemic. It’s impossible to captureContinue reading “A Series of Suddenlies”

Celebrating 17 Years with the Hubby

“It’s been a while.” – Britney Spears, Break the Ice Anniversaries are important to me. I celebrate these milestones to remind us where we’ve come from and of the journey still ahead. March 8 is the day that the hubby and I started dating 17 years ago. It was around 3 in the morning, inContinue reading “Celebrating 17 Years with the Hubby”