“I Believe in the Power of You and I”

We attended T’s wonderful school holiday concert this week and it moved me to tears.

The school concert was the first since the pandemic, and T and the kids did such a great job.

It brought back wonderful memories of holiday and Spring concerts, pre pandemic, when T was in preschool and kindergarten.

I remember we used to be so worried about T running amock on stage or having a Home Alone school concert moment – see below.

But the holiday spirit was in full support and T did great.

The theme of the concert was “Children of the World” and they displayed student artwork around the gym.

I love T’s whimsical art of him sticking his tongue out to taste the snowfall.

I loved that they displayed flags of different countries, including those currently at war, as it provided a reminder that there are more that unite us than divide us.

T’s sneaky teachers selected emotionally manipulative songs aimed at maximizing the tears; I say this jokingly and with deep appreciation.

T’s class did two performances.

It was during the second performance, when the group sang “I Believe” by Nikki Yanofsky, that I unexpectedly became a bawling mess.

“Sometimes when I feel I’ve had enough

And I feel like giving up

You willed me to be all I can be

Now nothing can stop me

I believe in the power that comes

From a world brought together as one

I believe together we’ll fly

I believe in the power of you and I.”

– “I Believe” by Nikki Yanofsky

The lyrics spoke to me in compelling ways.

I thought about our highs and the lows – and there were truly hard lows – and I couldn’t help but tear up.

The hubby had asked me to film the performance, so I didn’t have a free hand to wipe my tears. I could’ve punched him. 😂

But the embarrassment was worth it!

On days when parenting a child with FASD feels so hard, a reminder that “I believe in the power of you and I” is a true blessing. 💕

A week ago, when I downloaded the song at home so we could practice, I told T what a moving song it was.

And he said, I kid you not, “Just wait till you experience it in person.” 😆

He wasn’t kidding! 💕

Here’s an audio recording of the performance for your enjoyment!

Wishing you and your loved ones all the best during the holiday season and to remember to always believe in the power of togetherness.

32 thoughts on ““I Believe in the Power of You and I”

    1. It was a really touching and moving concert. I am very thankful for the school putting it together and for T to have enjoyed the experience too.

  1. Love the reference to Home Alone. Such a classic movie. Glad to hear that T did not pull a Kevin McCallister and that everything exceeded your expectations. Sounds like quite the show!

    1. Thanks Linda. You will one day get to enjoy school concerts too. 💕 And melt at the cuteness of the moments.

      All the best to you, K and Margaret! Hey, I just realized your initials are KLM. Was Margaret intentionally an M to keep the initials going consecutively alphabetically?

  2. T:

    your snowball picture reminded me of the cover of BECAUSE OF MR TERUPT

    [which is a great winter holiday book for you and your Dads to read together].


    I also loved the world map in all kinds of sticky notes where you can clearly see the USA; Canada and Europe – Japan too.

    {Where are Australia; New Zealand and much of Oceania in this map}?

    “Just wait until you experience it in person”!

    [and how it must have felt for T and his classmates and fellow students to sing it]

    Love the clip/picture that you picked. I see you used QuickTime to make it.

    And when researching the song I realised it was from the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010.

    Nikki has given to some wonderful organisations like LOVE and ORT [the Organisation for Rehabilitation through Training].

    1. Adelaide, it is very nice to hear from you. I hope you are well.

      I’ll have to look up the book. I’ve never heard of it and appreciate the recommendation.

      I took a photo of the top part of the map and left out the bottom/rest so I didn’t capture any of the other kids – to protect their privacy.

      It was a joy to watch them sing and perform. Kids really are so pure and will change the world for the better.

      Yes, the song was from the Olympics. Such a moving song, especially when sung by young kids!

  3. I’m really impressed with T’s artwork. When I was at his age, I don’t think I had the creativity to make something like that. The drawings I made were usually of mountains and rice paddies, a typical scenery most Indonesian kids learned at school. Ab, I’m also a cry baby. I can cry easily (and suddenly) whenever I hear or see something that really touches my heart. Happy holidays! Wishing you a great time with the people you love the most.

    1. Thanks Bama. He did a great job with the artwork. We’re lucky to have a good art teacher that encourages and guides their creativity.

      And I love that you’re a crybaby. 😆 Definitely another trait of cat people. 🤣

      Wishing you, your mom and loved ones a Merry Christmas and happy new year!

  4. I miss those school performances, this was great! The scenery in the video was also beautiful and thanks for introducing me to a new song. I can see why it touched you, especially hearing their tiny voices.

    1. Thank you Tammy. It was so wonderful and special when schools do this for the kids and for the families. It brings community together during this most special time of the year. 🙏

    1. Thank you Margie! He has a great art teacher. All the other kids did a similar artwork so he must’ve followed a template. Nonetheless, very creative and special! 💕

  5. So good – those young voices are so beautifully. And I’m still giggling about, “selected emotionally manipulative songs aimed at maximizing the tears.” It feels like they know we have to let out all the tears that come with this amazing journey as a parent. So incredibly special!

    1. Yes, Wynne, a good cry is a wonderful way to cap off moments of the parenting journey. It was so special and I’m thankful we experienced it in person. 💕🙏

  6. Oh my goodness…thank you for sharing the audio of the song. It went straight to my heart. And T’s comment about how wonderful it was going to be – in person? A moment to savor! ❤️❤️❤️

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