Rain or Shine

When things don’t go as planned, like pneumonia ambushing vacation, I look for the silver lining.

We had a nice 10 days visiting T’s grandparents in New Brunswick, despite me being ill for most of it.

On our third day, I started to feel nauseous, had shaking chills and developed a fever – which reached a scary 40.3.

I was in bed for three days and coughed up bloody mucus and felt out of breath.

I went to the ER and the doctor confirmed it was pneumonia and started me on antibiotics.

I felt guilty that my illness restricted our plans but in hindsight, it ended up being a blessing.

The hubby and T spent one-on-one time with T’s grandparents – including them taking T to the park and McDonalds and the group going for drives.

I got my wish to take long naps during the day, with the saltwater breeze nourishing my soul; next time, I’ll specify I want to enjoy naps without being sick!

While we didn’t get to go out for hikes or swims, we enjoyed many walks by the water, bike rides by the cottage, and played cards – my in-laws introduced me to a super fun game called Five Crowns.

I started to feel better on the last two days of our trip, so of course, those days rained all day. So we took T and his cousin A to the movies – and spent the rest of the time relaxing at the cottage.

T and A kept busy building forts (below) and watching YouTube videos together; it warmed my heart seeing them deepen their bond.

The last day on our trip was the hubby and my 14th wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going for a short drive to fill up gas for our drive home. 😆

The rain stopped in the late afternoon and we enjoyed a family walk on the windy beach.

The hubby really stepped up while I was sick – taking care of T, measuring my temperature and giving me Tylenol every four hours when I was battling the fever, and sitting with me in the ER.

In sickness and in health, rain or shine – the vacation may not have happened the way we imagined, but it was perfect the way it happened.

T, being T, kept it real. When I finally emerged from being in bed for days, he told everyone, “Papa is so lazy. He just sleeps all day.” 😆

And an unexpected gift, I’ve reached my weight goal – and even got my jawline back! 🤣

The entire time I was sick, I had no appetite but I kept thinking about pork bone soup from my favourite Korean restaurant Owl of Minerva.

It motivated me to get better and through the 16-hour drive home.

When we arrived home Thursday night, I picked up takeout from Owl. It was well worth the wait!

33 thoughts on “Rain or Shine

    1. Yes, I had pneumonia for two weeks in August. Didn’t realize how horrible it could be! I can see how it can be devastating for elder people now.

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  2. Ugh! Glad you are better. I got pneumonia first day of our time in Fla keys. Two ER visits. Steroids and antibiotics and I was better. Glad you got to rest, lazy papa!!!
    And glad you got your soup!!!!

    1. Thanks Vickie. I remember you got quite sick on your trip. It’s never fun. But it does force you to slow down. 😊

  3. Oh, I’m so sorry about the pneumonia. 40.3 – holy smokes! I love, “In sickness and in health, rain or shine – the vacation may not have happened the way we imagined, but it was perfect the way it happened.” I’m so glad you are feeling better — and that T got to spend time with A. That is wonderful. A restored jawline and soup seem like pretty good consolation prizes. Happy anniversary! Hope you have a great week, Ab!

    1. Thanks Wynne. It was brutal but I’m on the mend and it was honestly a good trip. The most important part was T and the hubby getting to catch up and spend time with my in laws and they got it in spades.

      Have a great week too. It’s flying by!

  4. It seems a bit cruel to get sick in the summer, especially while on vacation. Glad you were able to get some rest and relaxation while the hubby and grandparents got to spend more time together with T. And hey, it could have been way worse, can you imagine if everyone got pneumonia at the same time!? Congrats on celebrating 14 years of marriage!!

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, it sucked but ended up being oddly relaxing in an unexpected way. And yes, I’m so glad it was only me who had it. We were all in a small cottage so germs could’ve easily spread and thankfully did not!

  5. Oh my! I didn’t know that you got pneumonia. But I’m glad you’ve recovered and managed to see the light in this. Happy anniversary! And congrats for getting your jawline back! 🤣 It reminds me of this one time when my mom lost weight because of stress. Once the stress was gone, she was happy she emerged from it in a much lighter state, both literally and figuratively.

    1. Thanks Bama. It was quite brutal and I’m slowly on the mend. And yea, gotta look at the positive. I’m skimmed down a bit now. 😆 But hopefully next time, it’s not illness or stress inducted. 😆

      Hope your week is off to a good start!

  6. Oh NO! I guess the good news is you weren’t admitted to the hospital, you could be lazy sleeping at home instead of the hospital! 🤣 Happy anniversary and maybe next year you can make it big on your 15th instead of driving home. Do it quick because after 32 years it can tend to be just another day but out for dinner. I’m glad your doing better Ab!

    1. Thanks Diane. I am slowly on the mend. And yes, I am so thankful that I did not have to be hospitalized. That would’ve just sucked. And I will definitely enjoy these moments because I know it’ll soon be just dinner outings – which actually aren’t too bad of a way to celebrate! 😆

  7. Sorry about the illness, but you certainly know how to the find the silver lining Ab! happy anniversary and well done to your hubby for stepping up. BTW that pork bone soup looks amazing! Wishing you well Ab 🙏

    1. Thanks AP. Such is life and you gotta focus on the positives. And yes the pork bone soup was so good. I can only imagine the cuisine and fare in Singapore! 😋

  8. Congratulations on 14 years with your hubby! Wishing you lifetime more of love and companionship. While pneumonia is not fun, there is something beautiful about “celebrating” by having your life partner care for you. I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    If your family enjoys card games, I bet you would enjoy Bandito. The premise if that an inmate is trying to dig a tunnel out of prison, and you play cards to try to block the path. It’s really simple and fun!

    1. Thanks Erin! I was really appreciative and loved being taken care of (he had COVID for 13 years in January so he’s returning the favour! 😆).

      And thanks for the tip about Bandito. I do love cars and board games and will have to check this one out!

  9. I am so glad you are feeling better! Pneumonia is scary! I am happy the vacation was still a success though. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Rebecca. It did not work out the way I expected but the most important thing was T had a blast. 💕 Have a great week ahead too!

    1. Thanks Margie. There’s always a bright side to everything. 😆 Hope you are enjoying your summer and the grandkids!

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