First Sleepover

A cotton candy sunset on the beach was the backdrop to a memorable first for our boy.

Our three-week family vacation is flying by. We are creating happy memories while navigating super trying moments.

Last Sunday, the end of week two, T was reunited with his cousin A, who was visiting for the week.

As space is limited at T’s grandparents, his Aunt graciously set up a tent outside the cottage.

Camping at the beach, hearing the waves and smelling the saltwater air are so appealing.

T asked if he could sleep with them and his Aunt said, “Yes” – and boy did he get excited!

I often think about the missed opportunities during the pandemic for T to build bonding experiences with classmates.

I have fond memories of my countless sleepovers with my cousins growing up and I want T to have similar experiences.

Rebecca at Quirking It recently blogged about childhood sleepovers from the perspective of someone with FASD.

Sleepovers to me are about staying up late, eating ice cream, playing video games, creating forts, laying every blanket in the house on the living room floor and watching movies together.

As T’s parent, I believe in not dwelling on the what ifs and to focus on the what nows.

For the rest of the afternoon, T and A played together by the beach.

He showed her the fort he had built beforehand.

After dinner, we were blessed with a spectacular cotton candy sunset.

The oppressive heat from the last few days cooled and it was a comfortable evening.

When night came, we reminded T about the sleepover rules: Respect his cousin’s personal space – something he struggles with – and to listen to his Aunt; otherwise, he would be sent inside.

He changed into his PJs and initiated teeth brushing with little fuss.

When he got inside the tent and the sleeping bag, he had the biggest heartwarming smile.

He then gave the hubby and I a big hug, before climbing back into the sleeping bag.

Part of me felt sad he was sleeping away from us, even though it was just outside. After I walked inside the cottage, I sang excitedly, “Freedom!”

21 thoughts on “First Sleepover

    1. Yes! 😆 It’s a mix of glee and missing them a few seconds later. But so important for both child and parent to have these experiences.

  1. Sleepovers are among the fondest memories from my childhood/teenage years. I’m glad T could experience that because I’m sure he will still remember all the fun stuff for many many years to come. As much as I enjoyed my freedom when I stayed at my friends’ houses, now I realized maybe my parents were relieved when I was away. Just like what you said at the end of the post. 😆

    1. There are always two sides to a story, Bama, and I guess your parents got to enjoy a break too! 😂 Sleepovers are a fun part of childhood for sure. We try to do overnight trips with friends in adulthood, usually camping, but much harder to organize when everyone is so busy.

  2. What a gorgeous sunset!! How fun for T to camp with his cousin on the beach and for you to get some peace and quiet!! Seems like a win-win! Hopefully his first sleepover was a success.

    1. Thanks Linda. It took him a bit longer to fall asleep and he woke up earlier than his Aunt and cousin’s liking but it went well. A great memory made.

      And greetings from somewhere in Quebec. 8 hour drive to go till home! 😆

      1. Glad to hear that it went well and that it was a memorable experience for him. Hope you had a smooth ride the rest of the way back home. It’s hard to believe that your three weeks of vacation are coming to a close.

  3. I can so relate to this beautiful, moving Summer story and adventures in so many levels. And yes, “we are creating happy memories while navigating super trying moments.” Challenges should not be in the way of happiness. Glad you and your Family are having an amazing Summer as the incredible and magical as the first picture of the Cotton Candy Sky. This is why me time and family vacations are so important. Take care my Friend. Regards.

    1. Thank you! It is our final night at his grandparents and we make the long 16-hour drive back home tomorrow. I am thankful for this vacation and all the happy memories made. That’s what I will remember – not the meltdowns. 😊 Hope you are enjoying your week off with your family!

      1. Yes, we remember the happy memories and not the meltdown. Vacation time is truly a blessing and though it may not be exactly how we planned, the happiness, the experience and the time with Family and Self will always be cherished and remembered. Thanks.

    1. Thank you! He took a longer time to fall asleep cuz of the wind flapping on the tent and woke up earlier cuz of the early sunrise. But other than that, he did well! 😊

    1. Thanks for asking, Rebecca! He took a longer time to fall asleep cuz of the wind flapping on the tent and woke up earlier cuz of the early sunrise. But other than that, he did well! 😊 I know it’s a memory he will think and talk about in the future.

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