
What if we let the weeds grow freely?

I thought about this from the perspective of parenting when I read this article about naturalists encouraging people not to mow lawns or pluck weeds, in an effort to encourage biodiversity.

Biodiversity, it is argued, is good for everyone, including animals and endangered bees.

Naturalists encourage us to look at weeds not as invasive, but contributors of unique beauty.

I thought back to the first photo I posted of T when I started this blog in 2019.

T swinging on the outside instead of the inside reminds me why he can be like a wildflower.

He may come across like the active duck in a family of calm ducklings or the bright dandelion in a field of tulips.

I wouldn’t have him any other way.

We live in a society that needs more awareness and understanding of neurodiversity.

How wonderful is it to stare out into a field of dandelions – like the one on the other side of our backyard – and see a golden carpet of sunshine rather than a gardener’s nightmare?

What if we looked at wildflowers in society with these eyes and accommodate them into our gardens instead of weeding them?

We’ve been blessed with nine consecutive days of sunny warm weather.

The perennials in our garden are blooming, giving us a vibrant visual feast.

Our cherry tree bloomed its beautiful white petals, a sight we enjoy for a handful of days each year.

We spent this weekend getting ready for our annual gardening during the May long weekend.

We stopped by a nursery. Like last year, we let T pick a flower to plant in our garden. He could pick any one he wanted.

This year, we let him pick two. He chose these lovely pink and yellow flowers.

The hubby muttered to me that they didn’t match the colour palette he had in mind.

And that’s ok.

We’ll think of T as these lovely yellows and pinks sprout over the next few months.

Earlier this week, the hubby noticed a hole in our garden. He was convinced and annoyed that squirrels were burying food there.

Yesterday morning, he called excitedly for T and I to come out for a surprise.

It turns out baby rabbits were nesting inside.

T stared at the babies with delight and care.

Then we covered the nest back up with the grass that the mother bunny had used – to leave nature alone and let it take its course.

25 thoughts on “Wildflower

  1. I completely agree with what you said in this post, Ab. Although my mom wouldn’t like the idea of letting plants, especially grass, take their own course because of snakes. Speaking of gardening, I wish I was introduced to it much earlier. I only found its appeal a year before the pandemic, and it proved to help me a lot to go through the difficult times. Those baby bunnies are so cute!

    1. Thanks Bama! Very interesting to hear your and your mom’s perspective. Thankfully, snakes are not so much a concern in our area; more people weed cuz it lets the other flowers grow. I would certainly be terrified to find a snake in my backyard. 😆

      Gardening is not something I do; I let the hubby do that. Haha. But I certainly enjoy the beauty and calm that a well tended garden brings. Glad to hear it got you through the difficult times! We all need the light and joy during this pandemic. 😊

      1. I wonder if Canada is too cold for snakes. 😄

        Haha. Whether one loves gardening or not, I think everyone loves seeing some greenery.

  2. What a lovely post. I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Diversity is healthy and valuable in all communities of living beings, whether plants or people. Society should be open enough so everyone has room to thrive rather than feel forced to change who they are.

    Those bunnies are so cute!! That’s a very special discovery!

  3. I just spent the past weekend pulling weeds from my front garden. It’s a never ending struggle. I heard that too about dandelions and how they are important for the bees as they are among the first food for them. I’m all for wildflowers and planting bee-friendly flowers. But some weeds just got to go, otherwise they’ll suppress the plants around them!! I like that you let T get to pick a couple of plants. How cute to find baby bunnies in your garden!!!

    1. The joys of home ownership! 😆 The hubby gets stressed out by dandelions and spent the weekend digging them up too. I can understand the anxiety. 😊 It’s fun to let him pick his flowers as he gets to follow its progress over the summer. The one he picked last summer ended up blooming quite nicely. Hope you enjoy the upcoming gardening season too!

      1. Oh yes. The amount of yard work has been quite the surprise after living in an apartment for most my adult life. I do find it very therapeutic though. I like to share the joys of it and save the tough weeds for my husband to deal with 🙂

      2. That’s very generous of you. 😆 I’m extra generous and let the hubby do all the gardening. 🤣

    1. Thank you, that is very kind of you. And I wholeheartedly agree about creating a nurturing environment making a difference. 😊

  4. Love everything about your post, from the Wildflowers, to Neurodiverity, to the baby Rabbits, to T’s selection of the flowers to plant. Indeed, we should let our children be themselves. It should be okay to stand out, to be different, to be the single flower among a field of yellows. Society tend to focus on commonality and conformity even if it is aware diversity and equal opportunity is what’s needed for a better and kinder future. Happy Sunday Ab. Let’s enjoy as much of Spring and Summer.

    1. Thank you! I know you’d understand the sentiments behind this post. Flowers or weeds, we should get the same opportunity and space to shine. 😊 I am hopeful that it will be a good summer. Hard to believe it’s 4 weeks away. Take good care and enjoy your week ahead!

  5. I absolutely love this post. As beautiful and refreshing as the wildflowers of spring in my side of the World. I agree, we need more neurodiversity, we need more understanding, patience and kindness. Society is used to commonality and can be harsh to someone that stands out or stirs the common herd. Many are use to following or expecting the universal, the usual, the safe and find the different uncomfortable, threatening. I agree, that I wouldn’t change my Son too. Being himself is the secret for success and happiness when he grows older. Tell T, love his choice of flowers. I like the colors, they’re happy and positive. I’m seeing similar flowers in the wild like your pictures. It intrigues me how despite of the harsh weather and climate, nature managed to bloom so beautifully. Thanks.

    1. Thank you! As parents, we can help encourage our kids to be themselves and that is the true secret to happiness. I’m glad to hear your son has learned this lesson early in life thanks to you. 😊 And yes, it is quite amazing how nature is resilient through harsh climate and weather. That’s why I always return to nature for inspiration. We can learn so much from it. 🙏

  6. An absolutely beautiful and profound post, Ab! What a wonderful message to celebrate all the colors and variations in people in this world.

    Love your new flowers and the baby bunnies! I think it’s a telling sign that the bunnies want to raise their family right along with your beautiful family!

    1. Thank you, Wynne. 😊 The baby bunnies are indeed cute. And what a sweet thing to say about them choosing to nest with our family. If I can be honest with you, the thought of rabbit stew did cross my mind. 😆

    1. Thank you, Rebecca. We are blessed to have access to beautiful nature in our backyard and in surrounding towns and cities. It truly is place where T and our family feel comfort and restoration!

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